"Minister" is a British term for an administrative coordinator. In the past, FortuneCity had subject areas called districts, and the volunteers that coordinated these areas were called Ministers. Look here for a look at some of the great FC Ministers of history. It is because of the efforts of such visionary volunteers that FC is the most warm and gracious home for personal pages on the web.
With the advent of interest communities at FortuneCity, the term Minister was dropped and replaced with Content Guide. Those who administrate the Host/ess Program are still termed "Minister." There are also 3 Ministers who monitor the FC message boards, such as the Newbie board and Homebuilder help boards. There are no current openings.
"When I first came online 3 years ago, there really wasn't anything for me to do but surf. After I learned HTML and found FC to host my page, I liked the atmosphere that the volunteers seemed to always be there to help others and joined. Since then I've made a great many friends from helping out, and also worked with a company that was started on a great premise, of an online community where people interacted instead of just hosting pages."Justice
Past Minister/Current Contnent Guide of People/Opinion"Being an FC volunteer introduced me to a great bunch of people. It gave me a buzz to be able to assist people in there problems. Overall it's given me experience in assisting people with problems which looks great on my CV }:-):"
Message Board Minister
The graphics for this page are courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics.